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Construction of gfk cabin

07.08.2022, 20:52


We have a RM 300 and are really happy

I am curious how the sidewalls and the roof is constructed

Especially how the bed in the front is build considering the fixation points just above the side windows

So has anyone ever seen the ‘ inside ‘ of the sandwichpanels?

I am also thinking of putting a webasto open roof in the arnold so am am wondering what the maximum size of opening i could make..

And last but not least :

Would it be possible to take of the whole cabin and mount it on a newer frame..even an electric one..

To study this it would help if i could get any information about the construction build up, regarding wood and or steel inserts etc

So if anyone has any information i would really help

Regards to all arnold fans :)


08.08.2022, 22:41

Hi Denis,

your Arnold is an oldtimer. Take care of it and never do things that cannot bei redone. I think a webasto open roof will be not the thing that to think about. Putting die cabin on a new chassis, could be done, but what will be the profit??? In Germany you will have to decide: Old with low power of the the original chassis and Oldtimer registration, what will save a lot of money, or an "standard"-registration, where you pay fpr emissions and/or displacement and horsepower...

Think about


P.S.: An old Arnold on an new electric chassis would be a sensation! If you will do this please contact before as many magazines as possible and make a perfect documentation :-)

08.08.2022, 23:47

Hello Petter

Thank you for your reply and yes we love our camper
we do take care of our Arnold and an open roof is also quiet easlily undone but do you know if there is any documentation of the build up of the cabin, where the beams are if there are any .. there must be support in the walls somewhere section drawings etc. Other wose i will have to use my magination and a metal detector )

Electric Arnold woulr he a dream .. but thrn i also have to make it much lighter..for now i am looking around what the options could be



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